Secrets of Video Marketing – 5 Case Studies
Businesses of every size can use video marketing to grow their brand. I took my channel from zero to nearly 500,000 subscribers on a shoestring and in this post I share 5 lessons.
Harness the Power of Neuroscience for Websites
Neuroscience can help us understand how users interact with websites and how we can design websites in ways that are ever more effective.
The Impact of AI on Design
How artificial intelligence (AI) will affect the design industry.
Generating Leads with Content Marketing: 5 Proven Strategies
Five proven strategies for using content marketing to drive profitable customer action.
15 Actionable TikTok Tips to Maximise Your Marketing
15 tips that can help you succeed on TikTok and grow your business.
Book Design Tips for Self Publishing Authors
Book design tips for self publishing authors. How to create eye-catching book covers and compelling interior pages.
Self-Publishing Success Stories: How 6 Authors Made It Happen
How six self-published authors created successful, bestselling books.
The 7 Biggest Content Marketing Mistakes You Are Making
This post covers some of the biggest content marketing mistakes small and medium sized businesses make. And how to avoid them.
Podcasting Tips for Beginners
Now is a great time to start a new podcast, but what do beginners need to know? This post shares 8 proven success tactics for new podcasters.
What is Content and Why Does Your Business Need it?
The results that Google provides depend entirely on the availability of quality content. Will that content be yours, or that of your competitors?
Attract New Clients with the Power of Creativity
Every business needs to attract new clients. That’s when you need some new ideas. This post covers four creative ways to attract new clients to you.
How to Develop Your Brand’s Superhero Story
Your brand story tells us what you stand for. You may not know it, but your brand has a superhero story of it’s own, and this post will help you uncover it.
The Unique Benefits of Content Marketing
This post reveals the unique benefits of content marketing for business. Content creation is the keystone for all effective inbound marketing, long-lasting SEO, and successful brand building.
Why Your Blog is More Important than Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram
If you keep hearing people say you don’t need a blog on your website, read this post. Letting your blog die could be the biggest online marketing mistake you ever make.
How to Improve the Quality of Your Blog Posts
Some great advice on improving the quality of your blog, from Ryan Biddulph, the Blogger from Paradise
I Will Solve Your Problem and You Will Pay Me
This quote came from the legendary graphic designer Paul Rand. The person he said it to was Steve Jobs.
How to Start a Blog
A blog is one of the keystones of effective content marketing. This blog post is all about teaching you how to start a blog for your small business.
10 Types of Infographic
If you haven’t considered using infographics as part of your content marketing strategy, now is the time to begin.
The 7 Secrets of Highly Successful Websites
Take a look at your website through the prism of the seven secrets of highly successful websites and see if you can make yours just as effective.
Are You Too Lazy for Social Media?
Are you too lazy to use social media effectively? Find out in the blog post from social media specialist, Ash Mashhadi.
Why Your Website Is Not Working
We both know that your business website isn’t producing enough enquiries. In this post I’ll use 23 years of website design experience to help you cure that.
Why Your Social Networking Is Not Working
Do you know if your social networking is working? You’re busy tweeting, and you’ve almost worn out your camera on Instagram. Of course it’s working! Hmm.
8 Great Bruce Lee Quotes To Inspire your Business and Life
Read these 8 thought-inspiring Bruce Lee quotes and tell me if you still think what he had to say isn’t relevant to your life and your business
20 Lessons from 20 Years of Running a Small Business
20 lessons from 20 years of running a small business. By Ash Mashhadi, founding Partner at Design Inspiration
How Not to Look Like an Idiot on Twitter
If you don’t want to look like an idiot on Twitter, you’d better get your act together. Read this post, learn from it and maybe we can eliminate the risk.
Seven Vital Questions to Ask Your Small Business
This article is about asking yourself those challenging questions that will help your small business thrive, by Ash Mashhadi.
The Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Website
How to improve your website to attract clients who love what you do.
How to Use Social Media to Get Clients to Fall in Love With You
How to Use Social Media to Get Clients to Fall in Love With You. A special Valentine’s Day post from Ash Mashhadi, Design Inspiration’s social media expert.
How Not to Design Your Business Website
How to avoid the 3 worst mistakes when designing your business website. By Ash Mashhadi website design consultant at Design Inpiration.
How to Tackle Your Biggest Challenges
How to tackle the biggest challenges you will ever face in your business. How one person conquered enormous debts by setting up an online business.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Social Media
What are the 7 Deadly Sins of Social Media? This light-hearted post translates the classic 7 Deadly Sins for the social media business environment.
6 Unique Twitter Tip Desktops To Download Free
Here are 6 great Twitter tips we've turned into attractive desktops created by Design Inspiration for you to download and use. Not only are these twitter tips good advice for your social media strategy, they make handy constant reminders for you. To download each...
How to Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rate
How to increase your website’s conversion rate. Four pro tips to make your website design more compelling to clients. Increase sales via your website.
How to Give Your Business Attitude
To succeed in business you have to stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways to stand out is by allowing your business to develop an attitude.
3 Titanic Icebergs Floating in the Path of Your Business
Three big obstacles that lie in the path of small business success.
Where is Your Blog Going?
Blogging tips to keep your content marketing on track, from Ash Mashhadi, Design Inspiration’s Social Media Specialist
How to Use Twitter Like a Boss
A round-up of some of the best expert articles with tips and tactics for using Twitter like a boss.
Is Poor Social Media Advice Damaging Your Business?
Finding reliable social media advice that has authority and will help your business grow is not easy. Are you being given poor social media advice?
6 Great Blog Posts You Shouldn’t Have Missed
Six great blog posts you really should have read. You’ll be glad we made this round-up.
What is the Real Secret to Sales Success?
One of the hardest new skills for a small business owner to develop is selling. Too often it’s seen as something peripheral or even a little sordid but I believe it’s mainly a matter of perspective.
20 Ways to Say Thank You With Social Media
Here are a few ways to say thank you the social media way.
How to Generate New Business by Inspiring Your Website
An inspired website encourages increased traffic and reassures new custom. Here is how to inspire your website.
25 Business People Who Need to be on Twitter
Here are 25 types of people who should be on Twitter.
Using the Power of Persistence for SEO
Persistence is the key to getting anything right. And that applies to your SEO.
How to Make Your Website Fail
Wait, what? You want your website to be popular, attract clients, and help your business grow? Then don’t use this list.
4 Deadly Twitter Mistakes to Avoid
I’m on Twitter every day and every day I see businesses making elementary errors. Some of them can destroy a reputation. Here are four of the worst.
5 Toxic Beliefs That Are Destroying Your Website
Running a website is easy. Running a successful one takes effort, focus and the right attitude. Here are 5 attitudes that are wrong.
Why Your Website Needs a Blog
There’s been a tremendous growth in the number of blogs over the past years. That’s not an accident. They are essential for brand building and content marketing.
How to Use Social Media to Attract Website Traffic
To attract traffic to your website you must take social marketing seriously. Here are 3 great ways to use social media to drive visitors to your website.
How To Sell? Become Attractive
Attraction marketing is the secret weapon of businesses such as yours.
Stop! You Look Like Sp@m
The way to stop your content looking like spam is to push yourself. Push past mediocre, beyond good and proceed to great. Don’t settle for good enough.
Is Social Media a Passing Fad?
Why small businesses that still think social media isn’t essential are likely to regret thinking that way.
Why Your Company Name Matters More Than You Think
The name you give to your business is the front line of your marketing effort. Get it right and clients will beat a path to your door.
The 3 Point Website Makeover Plan
Exactly how do you know if your site needs a makeover? Our 3 Point Plan helps assess when a rescue plan is needed
How to Improve Your Website
What to do when you realise your website need to be improved.
Why Don’t I Just Stick to Designing Websites?
I’m always being asked why I ask so many questions at the start of a client meeting. The fact is that website design is about more than you might think.