How to Use Social Media to Get Clients to Fall in Love With You

How to Use Social Media to Get Clients to Fall in Love With You


Don’t play the field my friend. You can’t entice everyone at the same time. These techniques may be powerful but are most effective if you pick a few different clients each week and focus on wooing them with that little bit of extra attention.

Love Letters

Tell your followers what you like about them. For example, this could be in the form of customised Follow Friday tweets highlighting what each person is particularly good at. You could share links to their websites on Facebook or Linkedin.

Or how about arranging a small webinar for just a few clients and share some tips with just them?

Whisper Sweet Nothings

Try this: think hard about what each client does and find little ways to help them. Why not send them links to relevant articles and blog posts that contain snippets that could give them opportunities to impress their bosses or clients? Do it via Private Message, rather than blasting it out to everyone. That will make the tips all the more valuable.

Trade the possibility of a few retweets today for a stronger relationship with that client which may pay dividends tomorrow.

Unexpected Gifts

The top 3 gifts (in reverse order) that will always please a client are: chocolates, wine, and a lead to some potential business. I really love this tip and use it as often as I can. My ears are always open for somebody saying a variation of “can anyone recommend a good book keeper/plumber/lawyer?”. There’s not much better than being able to help a client with another lead. They love it and will love you for being the connector.

The Next Step

It’s all about making people feel special. Be like the Ambassador in that old Ferrero Rocher advert with the pyramid of chocolate treats. With your tweets and mentions, you would be really spoiling us.

If you want me to fall in love with you, talk to me about this post on Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook.

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