Why Your Website Is Not Working

Why Your Website Is Not Working


We both know that your business website isn’t producing enough enquiries. In this post I’ll use 28+ years of website design experience to help you cure that.

Your Website is Anti-social

It looks nice but has no content. Does your website want to make friends? Some websites make it hard to hold a conversation. At the very least, you can include feeds from your social media platforms. Most businesses stop there and pat themselves on the back but if you really want to stimulate engagement, you need to set a higher standard. For example, where is your blog or video content? How much of your website is dedicated to creating a dialogue? Where on your site do you respond to what your clients and potential clients ask? How much of your website is dedicated to creating a dialogue? #webdesign Share on X

Your Website Has no Personality

Yes it has content but it’s more boring than an accountant at a fiscal restructuring conference. Okay so now you have a blog and twitter feed on your website. It was hard work but you’ve done it. Congratulations, now you can get back to ignoring your website.

Or, you can make sure that you add to it regularly. You can make an effort to ensure that you write about topics that your clients want to know about. Don’t know what those topics are? Try asking your clients. Invite your three most valued clients out for coffee and ask them what they’d like to know more about. If you do it with the right attitude, they’ll give you more than enough ideas for the next six months. Next, concentrate on improving your writing ability. One of the hardest things that all new bloggers find is discovering their own style or ‘voice’. If you want to know more, come to one of my blogging workshops (Don’t know about them? Use the contact details below to ask me).

Your Website is Unprofessional

It looks like an amateur built it. Do you remember that episode of The Simpsons where Homer builds his first website? It had every spinning, flashing, noisy, migraine-inducing object he could find. Now, I’m not saying your website is like that, but I still see a lot that aren’t far off it (and I’ve been building websites for over 20 years). Here are some questions you should ask right now:

  • is your website mobile-friendly?
  • are the photos and graphics on your website copy-right-safe?
  • does your website look like it was designed by someone who’s designed more than one website?
  • have you ever had any truly impartial feedback on your website?

Here’s how you can fix your website:

  • get your website assessed by a professional
  • make sure it’s mobile-friendly (and test it on a variety of devices)
  • ensure you have clear calls to action
  • make sure your website gives value to your visitors
  • spend a bit of money and get your website designed properly (there’s more involved than just choosing a nice-looking WordPress theme)

Design Inspiration builds websites that help your business grow

You Hate Your Website

Yes you do, don’t deny it. If you don’t hate your website why have you been neglecting it? Why was your last blog post made so long ago that it’s practically a historic event. If you don’t hate your website, why does it look so dated? Yes, I know it costs money to get your designer to bring it into this century, but if you don’t make that investment your website will continue to turn potential clients off. And do it soon before it damages your online reputation so much that even an update won’t be enough. A large part of our business at Design Inspiration is delivering website makeovers and I can tell you that it always results in greater engagement and an upturn in new enquiries from clients. Website makeovers always result in greater engagement with clients Share on X

Why I Wrote this Post

This blog post was written because a potential client asked me why their website wasn’t producing enquiries and how could we fix that. It’s a question we get asked a lot at Design Inspiration. Some of the answers I’ve included in this post applied to them, and others are based on having been in the business for over 28 years. If you want to talk about your own website, send me an email.

The Next Step

It is a cliche that your website is your online shop window. Do you know why so many people say that? Because it’s true. We all know (and the research backs this up) that the first thing anyone does after meeting you is to look at your website. If it doesn’t look as professional as you and your team, you won’t hear back. But if your website looks great, offers value and exudes professionalism, expect a call.

Need some help with your business website?

Get in touch with Design Inspiration on 01752 784197 or use the form in the sidebar for a no-strings chat with me. If I can’t come up with at least 3 tips to improve what you do, the coffee’s on me.

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