5 Toxic Beliefs That Are Destroying Your Website
Running a website is easy. Running a successful one takes effort and attitude. We identified five surprisingly common beliefs that are bound to destroy your efforts. Take a look through and see how many you’re guilty of.
1 “If I build it, they will come”
No they won’t. If you want people to visit your site, you have to promote it. You have to consider spending money on marketing, SEO, and possibly even some relevant advertising.
2 “Social media has nothing to do with my website”
If that’s really what you believe you probably won’t in business long enough for it to matter. Social marketing is the fastest growing area of PR and marketing activity in the world. Wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late.
3 “I can take my own photos for the site”
Well you can, but you shouldn’t. Not if you don’t want to look like a complete amateur. We’ve all become very sophisticated in our online content consumption and can spot an amateur a mile off. Unless you’re a secret David Bailey, invest in professional photography and you’ll be glad you did. And it’s not as expensive as you think. Give me a shout, Design Inspiration keeps in touch with a number of great photographers to suit every budget.
4 “SEO is hard so I’ll leave that for now”
Good idea; bury your head in that sand over there with the rest of the ostriches. Meanwhile, your competition will wave as they pass you by. Talk to your web designers today about SEO. If they don’t do it themselves, see if they can recommend a reliable company. Beware though of the snake-oil salesmen here. There are too many so-called SEO experts who will claim that it’s quick and easy to get you onto Google’s top ranking spots. Don’t believe them. It takes hard work, time and skill.
5 “I don’t need a blog”
No of course you don’t. Nor do you need an email address, website or your own domain name. Get a fax machine or learn semaphore. Better still, start cold-calling strangers; we all really love that. If you aren’t blogging already or seriously thinking about starting, what will you do when you realise that all your customers have been persuaded away? If they’re not reading your blog posts, they’re probably reading the one on your competitors’ websites.
Toxic Website Beliefs – The Next Step
If you’re guilty of engaging with any of these five toxic website beliefs, now is the time to correct them. Before they do too much damage to your website and your brand. If you need help fixing any damage, remember that improving websites is what we’re particularly good at. Get in touch with us. Let’s have a chat over coffee and come up with a rescue plan.