20 Ways to Say Thank You With Social Media

20 Ways to Say Thank You With Social Media


Okay, you’ve met some terrific people on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., and you want to give something back. Not only is that the right thing to do, but it’s a surprisingly effective business move too. Nice. So, how do you do it?

Luckily there are lots of ways you can do it. Here are a few ways to say “thank you” the social media way:

  1. ReTweet someone on Twitter
  2. Send a “Thank you” tweet
  3. Like someone’s Facebook Page
  4. Like a comment they made on Facebook
  5. Comment on their Facebook status
  6. Recommend them via Twtter either on #FollowFriday (or on any day)
  7. Introduce them to someone they’ll like
  8. Comment on their blog posts 
  9. Talk to them – it’s easy, start by saying hello
  10. Post comments on their Instagram posts
  11. Include them in collective conversations
  12. Blog about their work or products
  13. Offer to help them (ask them how)
  14. Look for a way to help them without asking first
  15. Share their pins on Pinterest
  16. Vote up their answer on Quora
  17. Write a recommendation for them on LinkedIn
  18. Join their LinkedIn Group or Facebook group (if they have one) 
  19. Share links to their blog posts and social media posts
  20. Offer them the opportunity to guest on your blog

From Netiquette to Etiquette

Etiquette is essential in the social media world. Without the benefits of body language it’s easy to misconstrue the meaning of other peoples’ words. We don’t get all the normal non-verbal cues that human communication relies upon. Words that may sound perfectly friendly in your head could be interpreted as cold or even insulting.

That’s why it’s all the more important to rely heavily on the rules of politeness and courtesy. Some people may consider it old-fashioned, but I think it’s essential online. Ignore it at your peril (or the peril of your online reputation).

The Next Step

What can you add to this list? Can you think of any I’ve missed out? Please share your tips: how do you thank people? Or do you think it’s unnecessary?

Thanking people is part of a set of social rules that humans developed over millennia in order to help us get along more smoothly. I see no reason not to use these social rules online.

Here’s another novel thought: why not try thanking people offline too?

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