10 Types of Infographic
If you haven’t considered using infographics as part of your content marketing strategy, now is the time to begin. They have become a staple of effective online marketers. Our infographic lists ten of the best types of infographic for small business.
Infographics are incredibly good vehicles for spreading your brand messages. They are visually appealing, a great way to share information, and can add enormous value to your friends and followers. Best of all, they are incredibly shareable. Just take a look at Pinterest.
Content Marketing
Content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional methods. The growth of the visual web has been accompanied by an explosion in the number of infographics shared across virtually all social media platforms.
If your content isn’t performing as well as it should, it may be because it is in thewrong format for your audience. Try repackaging it as an infographic; that will make it more appealing to the visually-oriented consumer of information. According to KISSmetrics, a high quality infographic is 30 times more likely to be read than a text only article. Their research also tells us that infographics are 40 times more likely to be shared on social networks.An #infographic is 30 times more likely to be read than a text article. #contentmarketing Share on X
Different Types of Infographics
There are so many different kinds of infographic now that there’s really no excuse for not having a go at using them yourself. If you’re not sure where to start take a look at the infographic we’ve produced just for you. These are our top ten kinds of infographic; and all are suitable for businesses of every size.
The Next Step
One word of warning before you begin though: make sure your message is clear. Effective infographics are an exercise in the design of information flow. Are you already using infographics as part of your content marketing strategy? What have you learned?
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